Blogger Prom is this Wednesday and I had all but given up any hope of being invited. But then a miracle happened and Kim Tracy Prince asked me to be her plus one. Hurray!!!
It's all happening at Yamashiro's in Hollywood. You still have a chance to join in on the fun. Just go to the Yamashiro Facbook page and like it and leave a comment on why you want to crash the prom.
I think they're drawing the winner tomorrow, so if you want in you better act fast.
P.S. I thought I'd include my mortifying actual prom picture. I was so embarrassed by my eyes being closed that I never gave out any of the wallet sized pictures. I still have them, if you want one. Cause, now I'm totally fine posting it for the world to see. At least I've evolved that much.
Thanks to my date, Bogie, he was my miracle in 1987 that made it possible for me to go to that prom. And yes, that was his real name.
"There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead."
It seems to me that I remember that dress being made into a pumpkin costume for Halloween, right?
Please wear that dress Wednesday!
Sadly, it is true this dress did become a pumpkin costume, and then I think I used it for butterfly wings another halloween.
I think I paid $35 for it in a thift store. So I got my money's worth.
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