I know I'm a very bad blogger for being away so long. First I was in Minnesota for five days, most of which was spent in the woods where even my iPhone was useless. For the last several days I've been at BlogHer in Chicago and just to busy soaking it all in to stop and write. But something happened today I just have to tell you about. I met Paula Dean. OK met may be pushing it, but I did get to ask her a question at a WalMart thing she was doing to launch some new food products she'll be selling there.
I just have to tell you all what a lovely person she is. God, I just wanted to go home with her, and be her best friend. She could not have been nicer, funnier, or any lovelier. So if you haven't already, go out and buy one of her books. Anyone that sweet deserves all the success. She recommended Paula Dean's Kitchen Classics. I'm going to get it when I get home.
When an audience member asked what she could make for her southern vegetarian husband. Dean threw up her hands and could only suggest divorce. She tried to come up with something, but couldn't. Another audience member suggested substituting soy bacon in some recipe, and Dean just made a fun face. On the point of southern cooking she says "I'm the cook, not your doctor" Triple love her!!!!
I asked, Now that they've made a movie about Julia Child (Julie and Julia) starring Meryl Streep who she wanted to play her when they make a movie of her life. She said, a movie is in the works and her first pick would have been Meryl but she'd settle for Lindsay Lohan.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know how great she is. I know we all see her on TV and she seems super nice, but she really really is.
OK I'll stop gushing now.