Before we get into tonights episode, let's take a moment to just appreciate that it was Sunday night and we get to watch Mad Men. Who knows how long we will have to wait for the next season so let's enjoy it thoroughly. Ok now for the show.
It was great to see Betty, and so much of her. I was terrified they were going to kill her off with cancer, but it looks like she is just stuffing herself and her feelings for Don. She needs to hear Don tell her it was all going to be ok and when he called her birdy, you could see her just soak it up like water in the desert.I thought Henry's head was going to explode when Don called to see if Betty was ok. Henry obviously knows Betty is still in love with Don. Sorry Henry, that's a risk you run when you're picking up pregnant ladies.
In the end Betty takes the call telling her she's ok in the lonely cavernous hall. Even with Henry right there she is alone. I was hoping Betty would see this brush with death as a chance at a new life. Though when she starts eating Sally's ice cream I think she may just go back to business as usual. I predict her getting bigger and bigger this season, and then hopefully having some kind clarity and getting help mentally and physically.
Pete and Roger are continuing their war of words. Looks like Roger is getting pretty tired of it. This last round with Mohawk Airlines may be the nail in the coffin. Roger is tired of trying to keep up with all the kids. I wonder if his wife is one of them?? Roger is waiting for things to get back to normal, he doesn't realize this is normal now. He even says he's given up on actual life and death when Don talks to him about Betty being ill and how it will affect the kids.
Don and Harry's Rolling Stones excursion is a total flop. It brought to mind Don's trip with Sal, which also went up in flames. Both literally and figuritively. Don and Harry end up with Harry pounding 20 of something in a post high munchy session and Harry having accidently signed The Trade Winds instead of The Stones. Heinz wants the youth market and SCDP doesn't understand who that is at all.
Finally! Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price is integrated. We saw last week that a African American secretary was going to be hired but now a Jewish copy writer too. Fun/racist jokes about Don's new secretary's name being Dawn. Of course Roger with his "Always darkest before the Dawn." Harry and his general idiocy. Hopefully she will get a storyline. The new copywriter Micheal Ginsberg(does Scott Baio know he's been cloned?) seems a bit unbalanced but should be fun to watch. They already showed us his home life with his father, I'm guessing we'll see more there soon.
I don't know what to make of the closing credit song from Sound of Music, I am sixteen going on seventeen. Maybe just that Betty is still a child who needs someone to lead her, and that someone has to be Don.
Here is a Trade Winds song just for good measure. Coincidently they changed their name several times too.
As another side note. Translation of Megan's phone call with her parents, She said "yes it's hot. I'm drinking a lot of water. I miss you too." I'm not great with tenses so this might have been all in future tense and in regard to their trip to Fire Island. Anyway, I'm sure the exchange with her parents will come up later, maybe just that they're a bit over protective of her. Don doesn't have a great track record with in laws. He better watch it.
I do believe Harry was pounding White Castle sliders.
Wow 20 mini burgers. That's insane. We don't have White Castle on the west coast, but I've seen them in movies and they're not that small, are they? I thought he was eating donut holes or something.
Elise, White Castle sliders are larger than donut holes, but not by much. The ones Harry was eating looked like the standard White Castle burger size that's been around since the '20s. Eating 20 W.C. sliders would be tough, but totally do-able.
Great and interesting episode. Nobody's mentioned the fact that a lump on the thyroid, though not cancerous, can be a sign of Hyperthyroidism, which can definitely lead to weight gain.Great to see Betts again, and a slightly different side of her. No Joan, though. Episodes without her are always a little week, but overall a very good directing job by Mr.Hamm.
Well, Ok there was a little bit of Joan...
I know I love Joan and I miss her when she's absent. The scenes from next week show her and her mother talking about what sounds like Doug coming home. So if that's true we should get a good dose of her then.
Harry seems to be a glutton, but then again, he was stoned...I think Betty might find her own "Dr. Feelgood" to get those diet pills she wanted to begin with. Maybe a touch of drug addiction? "Mother's Little Helper?" I hope Roger doesn't roll over. I hope there is some fight left in him yet.
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