This Wednesday Feb 22 the Playstation PS Vita hits shelves. The new PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi, is powered by AT&T's Mobile Broadband Network.
Being a member of the PS Family has allowed me to get a sneak peak at some of the games that will launch with it. I have a few favorites.
Escape Plan - I loves the retro silent film quality this game evokes. It's slap sticky, black and white, and has great music.
The new Uncharted title, Golden Abyss Everyone loves The Uncharted brand and this is another fun edition.
Ben 10 Galatic Racing a racing game that is incredibly fun.
This system has some great features too. You have the option of Wi-Fi or 3G. There are also front and back cameras, motion sensors touch screen on front and back,GPS, and cross platform play.
It really is a fun new system. It starts at $249 and will be available this Wednesday. It will be compatible with 275 PSP games on launch day and 26 new titles for the Vita.
Now I want this post to say PLAYSTATION, like on TV, but I can't make it do that so you imagine that here
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