I just got the Beekman News Letter and its full of Easter recipes. And they look yummy!
If you are thinking "Who are the Beekman's?" You're missing out. First off Beekman is a where not a who. I first found Josh and Brent the owners of the Beekman on a stage at a Discovery channels press tour a few years ago. They had a fabulous show all about the goat farm they bought (Beekman) and all the fun and struggle that went along with it. Sadly the show is no longer, but happily their recipes and goat cheese go on!
Any way back to the recipes. I've listed their descriptions below for actual recipes and to vote on your favorites visit Beekman 1802 and order some cheese while you're there.
Which will our guests enjoy most?
Cinnamon Honey & Roasted Chicory Leg of Lamb
Lamb is certainly one of the most traditional Easter main courses. We've added a level of earthiness by marinating in garlic & ground roasted chicory root (you can substitute instant coffee,) and glazing with our Beekman 1802 Cinnamon Creamed Honey (which you can make yourself, too.)
Pork Rib Roast with Caramel Orange Glaze
This is the most succulent cut of pork, but you don't necessarily have to truss it up all fancy-like to impress your guests. In this recipe, the caramel orange glaze, made with Beekman 1802 Cajeta and pan drippings is all impressive enough.
12-Hour Fresh Ham with Gremolata
If a ham hasn't been cured, what is it? It's the most tender, moist pork roast of your dreams, that's what. Especially if it's been cooked overnight till it's falling apart. Paired with a traditional parsley garlic lemon sauce, its a 20 pound, melt-in-your-mouth, big ole' bite of fresh springtime.
Spring means farm-fresh choices again.
Forsythia & Pea Shoot Spring Salad
Does food get any sunnier than this? Tender young pea shoots are a short-lived seasonal treat, and they have the same fresh sweet flavor of the sweet peas they'll later bear. Paired with bright yellow forsythia flowers, it's beauty might just rival your centerpiece.
Updated Spinach Salad with Honey-Lime and Roasted Eggs
Roasted eggs are a traditional start to a Seder Meal, and symbolize mourning for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. We roast ours the traditional way, in fireplace ashes, but they can easily be done in the oven. And we pair ours with a symbol of life...the only thing that survives every winter in our garden: spinach.
Chilled Sweet Corn & Sorrel Soup
Yes, we know sweet corn is a summer veggie. But it freezes so well that we always have plenty of these yellow jewels to use all year. For this refreshing chilled soup we combine it with lemony sorrel from the garden and freshly grated orange zest. A great way to start any springtime meal.
Grapefruit, Asparagus & Radicchio Salad
We could just stare at this salad for hours. Okay, maybe not for hours, but for a good long time. Okay, maybe not that long, because it's too damn delicious. All the bright colors are matched by an equal amount of bright flavors. Oh, did we mention there's mint, too? Yeah. That's almost too much. But it isn't.
No meal is compete without carbs. Take that, South Beach.
Spring Onion & Dried Mushroom Risotto
We plant onion seed in August and are usually lucky enough to pull the first spring onions in mid-April, or sometimes even earlier. The rest we let mature into full bulbed onions that we harvest in the fall. You can probably find spring onions at your local farmer's market, or you can just as easily substitute scallions in this wonderfully creamy side dish.
Buttermilk Chive Biscuits
Brent's southern, so no biscuits are quite as good as his Mom's or Memaw's are. But we try our best. These biscuits, made with fresh local butter and young spring chives are delicate and light. Perfect for soaking up gravy from lamb or pork main dishes.
Crispy Potatoes Newman
These are probably one of the most popular recipes on our website. Whole young new potatoes with a crispy, buttery crust and fluffy, soft interior. It's as if the whole potato was one big homemade french fry. Our British friend Jane Newman taught us this preparation method, and we'll be indebted to her forever.
Risi i Bisi
The bad thing about frozen peas is that they don't include the pods. While inedible, they sure do make a great stock. And from that great stock you can make this classic Italian childrens' (and adult) favorite, Risi i Bisi. But don't fret if all you have is frozen peas. You can substitute a good vegetable stock and no one will be the wiser.
Why, yes! We thought you'd never ask.
Springtime Comfort
Sloe Gin? Check. Rum? Check. Apricot Liquor? Check. Aperol? Wait...what? Aperol is a cousin to Campari. We love Campari most of the year, but love Aperol in the Springtime. Why? Maybe because its ingredients include springtime flowers and rhubarb.
Sugarbush Margarita
The maple sap ran early this year, but that means there's plenty of fresh maple syrup ready to be used for this spring's pancakes and...margaritas? Maybe Mexico isn't exactly known for its Sugar Maple groves, but this complex margarita is the perfect marriage of springtime north and south.
Champagne Mojito
This minty champagne cocktail will go perfectly with your springtime lamb dishes. Be sure to check your garden for the first sprigs of mint. The fresher, the better.
The Hallelujah Chorus of dinner.
Goat Milk Cheesecake
We begin milking the goats again when kidding season starts in March. Which mean we're awash in Spring Flush...the sweetest milk of the year. Which we make even sweeter by using it in our famous Goat Milk Cheese Cake recipe.
Goat Milk Yogurt Panna Cotta
We also begin making goat milk yogurt with our spring milk. And from that we make a delicious Panna Cotta. This recipe was perfect enough to make it into our Beekman 1802 Heirloom Cookbook. Bonus: You get to use up last year's summer fruit in your freezer for its sauce.
Rhubarb Black Pepper Sauce
This is one of our most elegant desserts. It also happens to be one of our simplest. This rhubarb sauce isn't sour and mushy. It's cooked quickly, so that the fruit stalks keep their color and shape. And it's spiced up a bit with black pepper. Serve it over vanilla ice cream and folks will walk away with a new sophisticated appreciation for this old "barnyard weed."
For my part I vote Ham, Spinach Salad, Crispy Potatoes Newman (although those chive biscuit are a close second), Champagne Mojito, and Goat Milk Cheese Cake. How bout' you? Don't forget to let Josh and Brent know!
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