So last week Sony was nice enough to invite me to come see Legion on the lot opening day. If any of you followed me on facebook or twitter that day, you know I was a little scared to see it. The commercials look pretty violent, and I can be kind of a baby. But you know what I really liked it.
I did spend a fair amount of the movie with my hand over my eyes, but there was a great message under the carnage. I should say up front that I respect all religions, but I haven't much patients for zealots. That said I thought the movies message was about people who blindly follow their religion word for word.
The premise of the film is that God has lost faith in Man and has sent one of his angels down to wipe us off the face of the earth. I can see his point, we really are screwing it up lately. But the angel, he sends down, still has faith in us and he decides to prove to God that we aren't a complete lost cause.
Now God isn't easily convinced so he sends another angel down to wipe us off the face of the earth. This angel is a "do as your told" kind of angel so whatever God says is good enough for him. the two angels argue over it, boiling it down to giving God what he asks for or giving God what he needs. Of course it turns into a fight to the death.
We also have a scene were the angel, who is trying to save our bacon, is running off a list of our failings and slips in, following archaic books with war, hate, and pettiness. I'm guessing he means the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc... and not the Illyad.
He also holds up one boy/man as an example of why there is still some good left in humanity. He loves a girl who is carrying someone elses baby, and he is just generally selfless and caring.
So my point is the film has this great message about being religious but not being literal about it. That the real lesson is kindness, and even God can be wrong sometimes. So pass same sex marriage already. OK maybe that's part is just me but you get what I'm saying.
So go see it and see for yourself, also if you like zombie movies there is some of that thrown in too. That's the part I covered my eyes for.
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