Joan Baez is doing a free concert as part of the Santa Monica Pier Twilight Dance series tonight starting at 7. I think of her as a 60's folk singer, but I must admit I'm not that familiar with her beyond that. Here's a video of her from last year, that pretty much confirms my idea of her. If you haven't been to the Twilight Dance series it is a lot of fun. Lots of people on the pier and lots of people on the the sand, dancing, picnicking and generally having a good time. I'm going to try and make this one but if I don't, there will be another one next Thursday and every other Thursday throughout the summer. Here the schedule
It's not exactly from last year though. It's about 20 years ago.
Opps..I'm such an idiot. I pulled the video off you tube and looked at when it was put on you tube as the time it was filmed. Duh...really I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Thanks for keeping track of things around here.
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