I just saw over at the Metblog LA there is going to be a NO on 8 rally on Wednesday March 4th, 5:30-8 PM on Olvera Street between N. Main and N. Alameda (2 blocks for Union Station) in LA. I really encourage people to participate. I wish I could go, but I have my daughter, whose only 4. I don't trust the yes on 8 types to keep it peaceful and respectful, so I will not be there. But I can blog about it and keep my No on 8 sign up forever, if necessary. I hope many of you will attend and if you can't please spread the word.
Thank you
1 comment:
I'm not going to make tomorrow's either, but I just wanted to say that I attended two rallies after the election with my daughters(Silver and downtown), and there was ample police protection, as well as no on 8 volunteers, to keep a healthy distance between the two groups.
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