Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Korean BBQ Sat

My mouth is watering just looking at the poster. I can't believe no one thought of this before, what are the great minds thinking about?? A Korean BBQ Cook Off right in Los Angeles' own Korea town. I know this flyer is too small to read go to The Korean American Coalition for all the details.
I don't want to sound like a bad wife but I don't care what my husband has to have taken out this weekend, I'm going!!! Seriously, you can come between me and my PBS, but if you start messing with the food, it's over.
See you there.


Sarah Auerswald said...

OMG I want to go with you -- do you think I can fit it in around my son's birthday party? Actually, he would love it too!

Sarah Auerswald said...

Oops -- that last comment was from me, not the green committee...