Here's a new web series called Pretty. It's about a Pageant family, but a really weird pageant family. This family makes Little Miss Sunshine's family look like the Brady Bunch. OK? This is a REALLY odd web series. I don't know how I feel about it but I feel compelled to pass it on. It is funny to me, but I think that might mean something is deeply wrong with me. Check it out and see how you feel about it and report back.
I watched it and I think it's brilliantly funny and offensive.
THAT WAS HYSTERICAL - better than Little Miss Sunshine - can't wait for the next episode!
thanks for passing it along, Elise! I LOVE IT! can't quite watching it!
Hey Elise! First of all, THANK YOU for spreading the "PRETTY" around. Your gut instincts said, "Ooh, this is funny & twisted. I must share...I must share...I must share." You are wise to trust that inner voice. I listen to all of mine. :-) You'll see my character, "Royce" make his first appearance in webisode 3, so keep watching!
I got two words for this series "GIMME MORE!"
Absolutely hysterical. LOVE IT!!!
Twisted, evil and HILARIOUS!
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